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Welcome to Chapter Three!
You have finished playing your second piece! Now, onto the third!
In this chapter, you’ll learn the necessary skills to play your third set of pieces of music, "Sunshine Waltz" and "Winds of the Sea" by Dr. Kristen Denny-Chambers, recorded by Joanna McCoskey Wiltshire.
Check out each of the elements below to learn and practice them before playing the piece.
Meet the Composer and Clarinetist!
Before playing the piece, let's...
Woohoo! Now we're ready to
Listen to "Sunshine Waltz" and "Winds of the Sea"!

Woohoo! Now we're ready to
Learn New Rhythm!
Woohoo! Now we're ready to
Learn New Meter and Expression!
Woohoo! Now we're ready to
Learn New Notes!
Woohoo! Now we're ready to
Play "Sunshine Waltz" and "Winds of the Sea!"

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